Red or Near-Infrared Light: Which Is Better?
Since longer wavelengths appear to have different applications, it’s important to know the functional differences between red and NIR wavelengths.
Red and Infrared Light Therapy- NASA Study
Biologists have found that cells exposed to near-infrared light -- that is, energy just outside the visible range -- from LEDs grow 150 to 200 percent faster than those cells not stimulated by such light. This form of light increases energy inside cells which results in speeding up the healing process.
How Does Light Therapy Work?
You may have heard that sunlight damage the skin; this is true with UV light. But infrared light therapy, on the other hand, provides positive effects. When the skin absorbs infrared light, it stimulates new skin cells to grow more healthily, boosting the natural healing attributes of your skin.
Clinically Proven Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy
One great thing about light therapy is that it’s been widely studied in clinical trials around the world for decades, starting with NASA nearly 30 years ago. In trial after trial, light therapy has been found safe and effective at promoting a wide range of pretty incredible health benefits. Now let’s geek out on some of the science.
How Does Infrared Therapy Work?
Infrared light is one of several innovative therapies that are being trialed for the management of patients with acute or chronic pain. The therapy uses certain wavelengths of light that are delivered to sites of the body that have injuries.
Light Therapy FAQs
Infrared therapy is a method that uses light to treat acute or chronic pain. It is a simple and painless therapy that is being studied for use in various fields of medicine
Does Red Light therapy Work?
People who lived in ancient times have always believed in the healing power of lightas an intriguing source of treatment. Modern-day scientific discoveries have confirmed that light therapy can fight back signs of aging and also do wonders to the human skin
Improving Blood Flow and theCirculatory System with RedLight Therapy
Proper blood flow is one of the essential ingredients of a healthy lifestyle. Poor circulation is also one of the most common side effects associated with health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Whole-Body Benefits of Infra Red Light Therapy
The two main benefits of red light therapy (reversing mitochondrial dysfunction and boosting collagen production) lead to many secondary benefits, including:
Everything you should know about Red and Infrared Light Therapy
Red light therapy has a direct effect on the cells that make up the body, including cells in the skin, bones, muscle, and cartilage, as well as other types of connective tissue.
What Causes Wrinkles?
You’ve probably read or heard the expression “fine lines and wrinkles” more than once when it comes to anti-ageing skin care. But do you know the difference between the two? Or what causes them?
Skin Ages When the Main Cells in the Dermis Lose Their Identity and Function
With age, our tissues lose their function and capacity to regenerate after being damaged